Homecoming Weekend 2025


84 Days
23 Hours
56 Minutes

Friday 20th June - Saturday 21st June 2025

Homecoming Weekend 2025


84 Days
23 Hours
56 Minutes

Friday 20th June - Saturday 21st June 2025

Connecting with the StGIS Community

Words of welcome from the School and Foundation

We are thrilled to invite you to our fourth Homecoming Weekend 2025, on 20th and 21st June. This significant event offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect with students, alumni, parents, staff, founders, and friends of our vibrant community. 

Words of welcome from the School and Foundation

We are thrilled to invite you to our third Homecoming Weekend 2024. This significant event offers an unparalleled opportunity to connect with students, alumni, parents, staff, founders, and friends of our vibrant community. 

Our schedule is packed with unique events, leading up to the highlight of the weekend, the Gala Night on Saturday, 22nd June, promising to strengthen bonds and create lasting memories. We are eager to welcome you to this unforgettable weekend. 

Please note that after 2024, Homecoming Weekend will be celebrated biennially, with the next occasion set for 2026.

Distinguished Alumnus Award 2025

Our Homecoming celebration serves many purposes: to bring people together, to reminisce about times gone by in this special place, and to honour and thank those in our community who continue to live out our mission, vision and values in their daily lives.

Nominations will be shared with the wider community for voting.  Those receiving the most votes will be taken to a selection committee comprised of each stakeholder group (StGIS Board, Teachers / Staff, Parents, Students, and Alumni) to determine the overall recipient of the award.

The final day for nominations is 15th May 2025, though it is highly encouraged to enter nominations at any point in the next 6 months.

Please use this form to nominate individuals you feel are deserving of the Distinguished Alumnus Award 2025
The distinguished alumnus is someone who continually lives out the mission of our school in their local context, taking the values and vision instilled from StGIS and enacting them on a regular basis. Please also include ways in which the individual is living out the StGIS mission, vision and values:

  • Mission: As a passionate community, we inspire our students to discover their strengths and develop a life-long love of learning so they can make a positive impact in this world.  We do this by offering excellence in care, education and activities.
  • Vision: Every child has talent and St. Gilgen International School will develop it.
  • Values: Passion, Integrity, Excellence
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Details of the StGIS Community Member submiting the nomination.
Your Name
I have a question about the event, who shall I contact?

Should you have any questions in the meantime, please email homecoming@stgis.at

Will there be some Alumni only events?

Yes! This year we will have some new Alumni only events. 

When will the Homecoming Weekend begin?

Events will run from Thursday to Saturday evening.

For registration, please click the button below or scroll to the bottom of this page. We would appreciate if you could register by end of May 2025. Some events have limited space for participants, therefore we follow the 'first come, first served' principle. Many thanks!

More details about the Homecoming events are coming soon - stay tuned!

Homecoming Weekend Events

Friday, 20th June 2025

Engaging with the School Community

Place: StGIS Campus

Meet and Greet at the Lakeside Barbecue

Place: Brunnwind, St. Gilgen

12er Alm Party

Place: 12er Alm Bar, St. Gilgen

Saturday, 21st June 2025

Alumni Association General Assembly

Place: StGIS Campus​

Homecoming Ceremony

Place: StGIS Campus

Family Dinner

Place: Hotel Post, St. Gilgen

Friday 20th 08h00 through to Saturday 21st 16h00

Homecoming Game

The StGIS Homecoming game is a two-day friendly competition between teams comprised of alumni which consists of a series of objectives / targets with point values to be achieved throughout the two days. photograph/video evidence submitted to StGIS AA Instagram page to be counted. Winners are announced at the homecoming ceremony

Invited: All StGIS alumni
Place: St Gilgen and surroundings | StGIS AA Instagram
Host: School
Contact persons: John Patton (j.patton@stgis.at)
Fri & Sat

Friday, 20th June 2025

Get back in your Seat

Remember what it was like to be in the classrooms at StGIS? Those exciting lessons and memories can be revisited in this unique opportunity to join classes with some of your favourite teachers from years gone by. These will be alumni specific lessons, so come back and join your former classrooms and teachers for a special chance to engage in some of your favourite lessons from when you were in attendance at StGIS. There will be chances to join World Studies, Science, Maths, ToK and Language classes in 25 minute rotations.

Invited: All StGIS alumni
Place: StGIS Campus
Host: School
Dress Code: Smart-casual / Tracht
Contact persons: John Patton (j.patton@stgis.at)
10h30 - 12h00

Homecoming Mixer

Homecoming is a great chance to reconnect with friends from school, and also a great place to make some new friends and acquaintances. Join this fun and interactive session which mixes alumni together with each other and current students to meet, explore common interests and share top tips and advice about the wide world beyond StGIS.

Invited: All StGIS Alumni and Current StGIS Students
Place: StGIS Kino
Host: School
Dress Code: Smart-casual / Tracht
Contact persons: John Patton (j.patton@stgis.at)
14h00 - 14h20

Mini Golf Tournament

Create your own alumni team, or join a mixed up team of alumni and current students to get to know new people and enter this just-for-laughs mini golf tournament at the course located just outside of the Ratz. This is a great chance to have some fun together. No experience required, just a good attitude!

Invited: All StGIS alumni, StGIS teachers and current students
Place: StGIS Mini Golf
Host: School
Dress Code: Smart-casual / Tracht
Contact persons: John Patton (j.patton@stgis.at)
15h30 - 16h30

Don't miss the 12er Alm White Party

Grab a drink and catch up with old friends. It's a night of music, memories, and making new ones in the Zwolferalm Bar, the place we all know and love. So, don't miss the chance to party with your old classmates and make it unforgettable

Invited: Entire StGIS Community
(Sorry, current students are not allowed)
Place: 12er Alm Bar, St. Gilgen
Host: Alumni Association
Contact persons: Arno Paletta (arno.paletta@stgisaa.at)
22h00 - Open End

Alumni Lunch

Join teachers and students for their lunch break at Wirt am Gries to enjoy delicious food and reminisce with teachers, students, and alumni alike.

Invited: All StGIS alumni
Place: Wirt am Gries
Host: School
Dress Code: Smart-casual / Tracht
Contact persons: John Patton (j.patton@stgis.at)
12h00 - 14h00

Alumni Panel

Join this session which brings six StGIS alumni to the stage to discuss their lives beyond StGIS with highlights, learning moments, and other fun stories. Whether you are an StGIS alumnus, a current student, or a teacher, this session is sure to be a fun way to connect with the wide possibilities of life adventures beyond StGIS.

Invited: All StGIS Alumni, StGIS Teachers and current Students
Place: StGIS Kino
Host: School
Dress Code: Smart-casual / Tracht
Contact persons: John Patton (j.patton@stgis.at)
14h20 - 15h00

Meet and Greet at the Lakeside Barbecue

Join us for a relaxed BBQ on the shores of the beautiful Wolfgangsee lakeside in St. Gilgen. The evening will include music from our school staff band and an open mic session. We're excited to make this an unforgettable evening and look forward to having you there!  

Invited: Entire StGIS Community
Place: Brunnwind Restaurant, St. Gilgen
Dress code: Casual
Host: StGIS Foundation
Contact person: Christian Dreyer (c.dreyer@stgis.at)
18h00 - 22h00

A special thank you to our generous Supporters

Saturday, 21st June 2025

Alumni Annual Assembly

All alumni are encouraged to join this general assembly for an update from the alumni association and an opportunity to get involved with the chapter events taking place in your area throughout the year. This is also a great place to share ideas you may have to help bolster our association for the future.  

Invited: All Alumni
Place: Fürburg Restaurant
Dress code: Casual
Host: Alumni Association
Contact person: Arno Paletta (arno.paletta@stgisaa.at)
At 13h00

Family Dinner

Rejoin your friends and StGIS family in the iconic St Gilgen Gasthof zur Post for a delightful evening together over a three-course dinner. Spaces are limited, so be sure to reserve your spot as soon as possible!

Invited: Entire StGIS Community
Place: Gasthof zur Post
Dress code: Summer Formal
Host: StGIS Foundation
Contact persons: Christian Dreyer (c.dreyer@stgis.at)
19h00 - 24h00

Homecoming Ceremony

This year marks the beginning of a new tradition at our Homecoming events: The Homecoming Ceremony! You do not want to miss this event where we recognize the StGIS graduating classes celebrating their 5- and 10-year reunions, recognise excellent individuals in our community through the Outstanding Achievement Award, the Outstanding Community Member Award, and the Distinguished Alumnus Award. The ceremony ends with the annual naming of the basketball court after the graduating class with the most members attending Homecoming.  

Invited: Entire StGIS Community
Place: StGIS Courtyard (Kino if wet weather)
Dress code: Summer Formal
Host: School
Contact person: John Patton (j.patton@stgis.at)
17h00 - 18h30

Don't miss the 12er Alm Party Timeless Bonds

No matter when you attended or left StGIS, you are family. The bonds that are forged at this school are indeed timeless! So grab a drink and reconnect with this special community. It's a night of different DJs, memories, and having fun in the Zwolferalm Bar. Come and celebrate our time together!

Invited: Entire StGIS Community
(Sorry, current students are not allowed)
Place: 12er Alm Bar, St. Gilgen
Host: Alumni Association
Contact persons: Arno Paletta (arno.paletta@stgisaa.at)
22h00 - Open End

Event Registration

For registration, please see below. We would appreciate if you could register by end of May 2025. Some events have limited space for participants, therefore we follow the 'first come, first served' principle.
Many thanks!
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