The IBDP results for the StGIS Class of 2023 are in, and we are very proud of our recent graduates! This year the IB made efforts to return to pre-pandemic protocol and grading procedures resulting in worldwide pass rates, mean grades, and average total points which were lower than they have been in the past four years. Nonetheless, our students tackled the IBDP with enthusiasm and successfully graduated from StGIS. Our community rallied around our students as they crossed the finish line with the excellent support of our dedicated staff, loving parents, and our committed board. A summary of a few highlights are below:
- 94% pass rate
- Average passing mark of 32 points
- Highest score: 42 points

We are proud of the accomplishments and inspired by the achievements of our students. We know very well that while the final marks on the IB Diploma are an important factor in their future lives at university and beyond, we are even more impressed that the graduates from the class of 2023 have developed a love of learning that will last throughout their lives. This means that our students adapted and explored new ways of learning in an inspired setting. Our educators create relevant and interesting learning opportunities for our young people to become knowledgeable, inquiring and caring global citizens, committed to creating a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. We remain committed to this mission as we provide excellence in education.
Beyond what any number could represent, we are proud of the young people our graduating class of 2023 have become. Our graduates leave us to pursue a wide range of opportunities at university destinations across Europe, the United Kingdom, and Canada. Many of our graduates have already started their civil service duties which may last up to one year, demonstrating their commitment to creating a better world both locally and globally. We are confident that our newest alumni will continue to develop their strengths as they continue to learn and take on challenges in their life so that they can go on to positively affect those around them. This is our greatest achievement, and we are excited to learn what the future holds for the StGIS Graduating Class of 2023!