Guest Karl Habsburg-Lothringen came to St Gilgen International School, to speak on the dangers which the current nationalistic, anti-global trends hold for Europe.

Reflections on StGIS Inspiring People Volume 2 – Karl von Habsburg
The bar has been set high. Karl Habsburg-Lothringen ensured that the popular lecture series by high profile guest speakers at St Gilgen International School continued at this intellectual and stimulating level. The grandson of the last Emperor of Austria, he spoke to around 150 students, teachers, parents and governors of St Gilgen International School about how Europe has developed since the end of the First World War.
He is also President of the Pan-European movement in Austria, and draws parallels with the state of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy shortly before the First World War and the European Union today. “Citizens themselves suffer a significant loss of identity towards their home country. There is an urgent need for us to fight to curb this. The trend towards nationalism and anti-globalism is dangerous for Europe.” Mr Habsburg-Lothringen dreams of a larger Europe in the future which will would be able to sit at a table alongside the other global super powers. Tom Walsh, Director of St Gilgen International School and the man behind this series of lectures held by prominent guest speakers, was delighted that the famous female activist Waris Dirie had been followed by this equally punchy guest speaker. “The goal of the international education we provide is to teach our students to be open-minded and tolerant individuals. Presentations like this one from high profile individuals are enormously enriching.”