“This was a truly inspiring evening with a truly authentic and inspiring woman. We left the evening energized and passionate about absorbing these messages and moving forward as a community committed to advancing freedom for all in this world.” Desert Flower Foundation

At StGIS, we believe in excellence, integrity and passion, and this week we were fortunate to have a visit from a woman who embodies and epitomizes each perfectly. Mrs Waris Dirie’s story is familiar to many. Those who have seen her movie or read her books know her as the nomadic child who escaped an arranged marriage by crossing a desert, found fame in the modeling industry in London, and left it all to take up the fight against female genital mutilation.
This incredible story is both shocking and inspiring. It is a true story of transformation and empowerment. However, as our students discovered in their up close and personal interview, there is far more to this amazing woman than meets the eye. Mrs Dirie interacted naturally with our young people and shared with them her message of hope, her strength, and her wish for a more peaceful world. She encouraged us all to live simply, and to love more, to follow our instincts and to stand up against inequity and cruelty in the world.
To Mrs Dirie, the path was clear; we cannot be conditioned by the past in shaping our future. She was anxious not to waste time speaking about how she survived or how she lived. Rather, she insisted that the most pertinent conversation is about how we should all live right now! She taught us that to be true to ourselves, we must find what stirs us; to find what ignites a meaning and purpose in us that we cannot let go of. Once this is found, it is our duty to pursue this passionately, courageously and unapologetically.
This was a truly inspiring evening with a truly authentic and inspiring woman. We left the evening energised and passionate about absorbing these messages and moving forward as a community committed to advancing freedom for all in this world.
StGIS is proud to be able to donate 5000 euros to her ‘Desert Flower Foundation’.