Building a flying fox? Raking autumn leaves? Sorting medals? Entertaining children? Trimming a bush? Washing a rowing scull? Packing away sails? Playing beach volleyball with Pier 47 boys? Eating cakes? Did you read that correctly? Yes! These are just a few of the unusual, interesting and valuable ways our students spent last Saturday morning in and around St. Gilgen. Service Day lets us formally demonstrate our connections with the local community in a range of valuable service oriented activities.
A special feature of the day was the packing of 100 Welcome Health Bags for refugees who have arrived recently in the Salzburg area. These were funded by our school’s previous charity efforts, such as selling cakes and pottery in previous initiatives.
Alongside this we put the school on display on Open Day, with guided tours of the school and our village campus. Visitors loved the school, the range of activities on show and were full of praise for their expert student guides.
It is only with teamwork at all levels and a shared sense of purpose and enjoyment that such a day can succeed. I wish to thank everyone involved, including all who donated a delicious selection of cakes for charity, raising over 300 Euros. Service, of course, should not happen only once a year, and we do encourage our students to think beyond themselves and contribute socially in an ongoing manner. I also wish to thank the local groups who welcome us every year and show such warm appreciation for our school’s contributions.